DEEP FIELD | Animated short

Deep Field


Best Animation – Coney Island Film Festival 2023 

Best Jersey Animated Short (co-winner) – Jersey Shore Film Festival 2023


A grandfather takes his granddaughter on adventures in space, teaching her that we are all part of this great big universe.

When I saw news footage of NASA’s Cassini spacecraft completing its planned final descent to crash into the surface of Saturn, I was struck by the emotional reactions of the scientists in the control room and couldn’t help but feel the sadness of their loss as well. At the time, my father-in-law was being treated for late-stage cancer, and we didn’t know that we had only another year left to be with him. Eventually, these two moments fused together into this story, celebrating the love and connection that make our lives feel not as small in this great big universe.

Also available to watch on Shortverse.